Monday Evening Barbecue
To welcome everybody on Monday evening, we will start with a complimentary barbecue at the camp's fire pit. The dining room is also available in case of a fire ban.
The barbecue is made possible by the kind generosity of our sponsor, Eric Brown, from Austin, TX.
Eric is a representative of Aldoria, a company that collects, processes and leverages space situational awareness data to protect critical assets in space.
Aldoria, head-quartered in Paris, France, is collaborating with the Medicine Hat Astronomy Club to install a 5-scope remote-controlled monitoring station in southern Alberta.
If you will be joining us for the barbecue and any of your party have specific dietary requirements, e.g. vegetarian or gluten-free, please let us know when you register.

Complimentary Coffee Bar
A complimentary coffee bar will run throughout the week, thanks to the great people at South Country Co‑op Ltd.
South Country Co‑op is a leader in community support programs, and generously assists many local organizations such as ours. Please support their business whenever you can.
Please click the graphic to visit South Country Co‑op's web site.
Feature Presentation
Shamon Kureshi
Celebrating the Night Sky
A journey within and above.

Lukasz Gornisiewicz's Slideshows
Lukasz is excited to show everybody his latest wide-field astrophotos.
On-site Vendor - All-Star Telescope
We are pleased to have the extremely knowledgeable and helpful people from All-Star Telescope join our star party to provide for all our astronomy and astrophotography equipment needs.
All-Star Telescope is Canada’s go-to shop for telescopes, astrophotography equipment and binoculars. They love astronomy, astrophotography, and birding, and are enthusiastic about helping people enjoy these hobbies.
Please click the graphic to visit All-Star Telescope's web site.
Save the Shipping!
Let All-Star Telescope know before the event of any particular items you would like to buy, or even just have a closer look at, and if possible they will bring them for you, saving you the shipping costs!

Buy-and-Sell Tables
Tables will be available one morning for attendees to sell their surplus stuff, and hopefully find some interesting new stuff.
Astrophotography Contest
After seeing some of the amazing images that last year's SASP participants created, we are very excited to introduce an astrophotography contest for 2024.
Awards will be given for the most voted-for astrophotos in each of four categories; wide-field, solar system, deep-sky, and 'image from event'.
For more information or to submit an entry, click the button below.

Astronomy Cinema
Astronomy related programming will be presented throughout the week in the auditorium.
Open Mic
Participants will have the opportunity to make short presentations to the group on any subject they choose, as long as it is something generally related to astronomy or the hobby.
A laptop computer feeds an LCD projector and a sound system. Powerpoint presentations are ideal.
Star Party Telescopes
For those without their own telescopes, and for hard-core imagers who do not have room to pack any visual equipment, we provide three Dobsonian telescopes, with Telrads and eyepieces, for anyone to use.
These Sky-Watcher 8" telescopes are simple and intuitive, and anyone can learn to use one in less than a minute!